Cookie Settings

Your website needs a Cookies Policy if you use cookies to collect personal data from visitors and your visitors are located within the EU (even if you aren't). Cookies are small text files that act as a short-term memory for the web. A site can easily remember bits of information between visits or pages as the cookies are stored in the user's browser.

Cookies are mainly used to:

  • Recall users' habitual preferences
  • Recognize users' devices
  • Help website users' complete tasks without having to re-enter their information when visiting the page later

While cookies are meant to enhance a user's web experience, sometimes cookies collect information across different sites. The data collected is then used to create behavioral profiles which are used to determine what adverts or content the user views.

What is a Cookies Policy?

A Cookies Policy is a detailed guideline that tells a user how cookies are used, the different types of cookies your website uses, and how the user can prevent or control cookies placed on their browser.

If you run your business within the EU or direct it towards people in the EU, you need to have a separate Cookies Policy even though a Privacy Policy includes a section that covers Cookies.

Why is the Cookies Policy required?

The Cookie Law began as an EU order and was made law in 2011. The law was designed to inform users of how data about them is gathered and utilized online. Also, the directive gives users the privileges to decline the use of cookies that interfere with their privacy while online. This law was designed to protect online privacy.

If you have a website, you need to ensure that it complies with this directive. This could mean making some changes.

Failure to comply with the Cookie Law could risk enforcement action from the regulators. You could also part with a fine. The Information Commissioner's Office provides a detailed brief on what you need to do to comply with the Cookie Law and how these rules affect applications.

Requirements in the European Union

As a website owner, you need to comply with the EU Cookies Law if run any EU business. This means that you need to have a Cookie Policy if your website is based in the EU or targets an EU audience.

Your visitors need to know that your site uses cookies and which type of cookies are in use. Also, you need to provide the users with a chance to limit placement of these cookies on their devices.

A Cookies Policy provides comprehensive information about your use of cookies to your visitors. Although banner and pop-up boxes notify your users that cookies are in place, having a Cookies Policy gives further information to the users.